HTML Tab, Toolbox Window

The HTML tab of the Toolbox dialog box contains a variety of components designed to accelerate development of Web pages. To create an object that corresponds to a tool in the Toolbox, click the tool and drag it onto the document in either Design or HTML view. Alternatively, you can double-click a tool to place an object at the current cursor position. To display the HTML tab in the Toolbox, create or open an HTML document. From the View menu, choose Toolbox. In the Toolbox, click the HTML tab. You can change the assortment of tools that appear on any tab of the Toolbox in the Customize Toolbox Dialog Box. The following tools are included in the HTML tab of the Toolbox by default.

Tool Function
When selected, you can grab objects in a document, drag them to another location, and resize them.
Places span tags (<SPAN>Span</SPAN>) in a document with the word Span inside.
Places a button object on the page, using markup like the following:
<INPUT id=Button1 type=button value=Button>

The id for the first button is Button1; subsequent id values are incremented by 1. The default name for each button is Button.

Places a button object on the page, using markup like the following:
<INPUT id=Reset1 type=reset value=Reset>

The id for the first button is Reset1; subsequent id values are incremented by 1. The default value for each button is Reset.

Places a button object on the page, using markup like the following:
<INPUT id=Submit1 type=submit value=Submit>

The id for the first button is Submit1; subsequent id values are incremented by 1. The default value for each button is Submit.

Places a single-line text object on the page, using markup like the following:
<INPUT id=Text1 type=text>

The id for the first text field is Text1; subsequent id values are incremented by 1.

Places a text area object on the page, using markup like the following:
<TEXTAREA id=Textarea1 rows=2 cols=20></TEXTAREA>

The id for the first text field is Textarea1; subsequent id values are incremented by 1. If you type text that exceeds the default viewable area, you can resize the text area or use the default scroll bars to view the hidden text.

Places a file field object on the page, using markup like the following:
<INPUT id=File1 type=file>

The id for the first file field is File1; subsequent id values are incremented by 1.

Places a password field object on the page, using markup like the following:
<INPUT id=Password1 type=password>

The id for the first password field is Password1; subsequent id values are incremented by 1.

Places a check box object on the page, using markup like the following:
<INPUT id=Checkbox1 type=Checkbox CHECKED>

The id for the first check box is Checkbox1; subsequent id values are incremented by 1.

Places a radio button object on the page, using markup like the following:
<INPUT id=Radio1 type=radio>

The id for the first radio button is Radio1; subsequent id values are incremented by 1.

Places a table object on the page, using markup like the following:
<TABLE cellSpacing =1 width="75%" border=1>
Places a linear layout panel object on the page, using markup like the following:
<DIV style="WIDTH: 100px; HEIGHT: 100px" ms_positioning="LinearLayout"></DIV>.

This element is used to implement the 1D/2D editing model.

Places a grid layout panel object on the page, using markup like the following:
<DIV ms_positioning="GridLayout">
<TABLE height=100 cellSpacing=0 cellPadding=0 width=100 border=0 ms_2d_layout="TRUE">
<TR vAlign=top>
<TD width=100 height=100></TD></TR></TABLE></DIV>.

This element is used to implement the 1D/2D editing model.

Places an image object on the page, using markup like the following:
<IMG alt="" src ="">
Places a listbox object on the page, using markup like the following:

The id for the first listbox is Select1; subsequent id values are incremented by 1.

Places a dropdown object on the page, using markup like the following:

The id for the first dropdown is Select1; subsequent id values are incremented by 1.

Places a horizontal rule object on the page, using markup like the following:
<HR width=100 size=1>